Monday, October 21, 2013

It's finally over

So, I am finally back and I told the rabbits what happened to me. They all seemed to be in shock, but all that matters is that I am home now. Some of the rabbits told me that Bigwig is badly hurt. I went to go see him, to make sure he is okay. He told me that he will be okay and he will probably have a fast recovery.

It is finally October. Two more of our does have had a liter. We are all finally living well. The Efrafans have surrendered to us, and we have invited some of them to join our warren. They accepted, we get along fine now without General Woundwort around. As I already mentioned his name, I guess I should say that General Woundwort is not here anymore, he is somewhere out in the wild, but not with us. We don't know where he is, but we have a feeling he is still alive and out there. I think that we should start a new warren between ours and Efrafa. Bigwig has been telling stories and training all the young rabbits, he enjoys doing that.

This journey has come along so far. I am so surprised where we are now. One of the main reasons we are here is because of Fiver. He and every other rabbit has helped so much throughout this journey. Hopefully we will all live a good  and happy life together, as a family.

Fighting & Rescuing

Woundwort moved down into our burrow and prepares to attack. Bigwig decided to leave Fiver on the other side because he would wake up. Woundwort passed Fiver and thought he was dead, so he just left him there and went passed him. Woundwort brings more rabbits in with him. He see's our newly formed wall and knows where we all are now. He broke the wall and see's Bigwig who tried burring himself. Suddenly, Bigwig bites into Woundwort's leg, but they kept fighting. Right when Bigwig steps back, Woundwort fell back onto the ground.

All of the rabbits have just told me that story, considering I was gone and being attacked by a cat, I wasn't there with them. But, while I was being attacked by the cat, Dandelion took off running back with the dog following behind him. 

Bigwig pretends he is dead and tricks Woundwort. He jumps up and pushes Woundwort down. The dog appeared and all of the rabbit's hid and ran away.  

Lucy, the little girl on the farm rescued me from the cat.. She showed me to the doctor who said I was fine. They dropped me off at the base of watership down.Now I am finally home. 

Friday, October 18, 2013

What just happened

I am taking Blackberry and Dandelion with me to go free the dog. We started running,  running really fast. I don't know why, I just need to get there as soon as I can. We are here, at the farm, with the dog. Blackberry stays back while Dandelion and I went to go chew on the dogs leash to set him free. all of a sudden, the cat appears. Oh no, what did i get myself into this time. I just stamped my foot to warn Dandelion about the cat near us. The cat pounces at us, the dog jumps up and breaks the leash and runs. I fell hard from the kennel, I am now laying on the ground, and I look up and see the cat right over me.

And it all comes down

Today I realized that Woundwort's authority was damaged after Bigwig left Efrafa. Woundwort told Hazel he wants to get revenge on Bigwig and nothing at all will stop him from doing so. Woundwort said he knows where we are staying and he is coming for us. He is taking his strongest he has with him. I am so worried, but I think we can fight through this. I think we can, at least I hope we can. I am just worried for Bigwigs sake. He is the one they want to go after. We will eventually get through this, together. 

Woundwort says if all the does, Bigwig, and Blackavar are not there when he comes, we will kill all the bucks. Which is all of us. We need to set up something before he gets here. We need to make sure that he doesn't get in to where we are at the moment. 

Bigwig just told me to move everyone behind the honeycomb. That is a good idea, I have to go quick and get everyone behind the honeycomb now. We also need to block all the entrances. That will be hard, but we can do it. Suddenly,  Fiver falls in some sort of trance, he screamed. I don't know what happened. Whoa. What's happening, I see something, something in my head. I am getting a vision. I have to go to the farm and free the dog, that's what I saw me doing, I need to go now. 

Hoping for the best

Today we figured out that we have 16 bucks and 10 does. I hope it works out the way we want with  the does and bucks. Dandelion told us a story about El-Arairah and Rabscuttle. It was a good story, very long. It was kind of a confusing story also. Earlier today, after the story was told, Keehar left. He said he would be back sooner or later, I hope he comes back soon. I am going to miss him.

The next day, Bigwig wants to talk to me he said. He wants to talk to me as I am talking to the mouse. I asked the mouse to repeat his message he was telling me when Bigwig interrupted us. What he told me wasn't very important. Bigwig said what he has to tell me is very important. I better go talk to him right now.

Bigwig told me that a huge raiding party has come to Efrafa. I am so worried now. What will we do? Where will we go? All this we have to think about. I know the Raiding party is Woundwort and his crew. I need to talk to Fiver immediately, he will hopefully know what to do. Bigwig has just told me that Holly and Blackavar told him about the raiding party. I need to go talk to them too. I hope they will have  more information on this. Hopefully, we will get through this together, all of us.

We made a plan. The others and I are going to fill in all of the burrows. We are going to fill them in because, the raiding party will not know where we are, and if they find out, it will take a while to dig up the holes. I and going to start filling these in with the others. But, before that, I am going to talk to general Woundwort. I made Bigwig chief rabbit while I am gone. I hope i can figure this whole thing out.

Our Way Over

Today, we figured out that our boat is headed to Efrafa. That is exactly where we do not want to go. We need to swim across the river. I am scared to swim across the river, I don't know why, I am just frightened. Fiver told us he would go first so we all feel that it is safe to go. So, Fiver went, followed by Pipkin, the me. Everyone else went after us and we are at the other side now. We decide its time to go to sleep.

Its the next day. Bigwig was found out that he is injured on his shoulder. I hope he will be okay. I told him to rest for now, so he can at least feel a little better. We are now headed back to where we came from, the opposite way from Efrafa. We found a place to stay and settle down for now. Fiver has told us that he doesn't feel right about this place we are at now. Now I am a little startled, because if Fiver doesn't feel right about this place, none of us should. A fox showed up later this day and took one of our does. He took her so quickly and suddenly. I feel like the reason why Fiver didn't feel safe was because he sensed a fox coming. 

We finally made it back to Watership Down. We are about to go to sleep. Ill write more in the morning. 

Thursday, October 10, 2013

The Escape

This morning Bigwig was awakened by a doe named Hysenthlay. She told him that Nelthilta has been arrested. Bigwig was kind of confused why, but then he thinks about it and when Nelthilta blurted out everything, the owsla must of thought she is crazy! Later on Bigwig went and talked to every rabbit that he is taking with him, he said to stay close by him because he could go at any time. He also told all of the rabbits to be ready to run once he gets there to see them.

Bigwig has finally started to leave, and something bad has happened already. The guards went and tried to fight him. Bigwig had Blackavar with him, so they both fought off the guard together. Both of them together is a lot of strength which, in this case, is good. Several does follow behind Bigwig and Blackavar as they fight off the guards. That's all Keehar has told us about Bigwig, hopefully that means they will be here soon!

Bigwig, Blackavar and the does finally make it back to us. I am so happy to see them. Although, a thunderstorm started and the lightning has scared the does. I told Bigwig to get the does on the boat as fast as he can, and I helped. Everyone is now on the boat. I am so happy to see Bigwig here with Blackavar and does. Right before we leave, Woundwort shows up with Chervil and his crew and wants to fight us. Quickly, we bite the last thread that is attaching us to land on the boat and start drifting off into the river. That was a close call. I am afraid that this is not going to be the last time we see Woundwort, Chervil, and his crew.

The Chat

Hopefully today Bigwig will return back to the warren, or at least soon! Once again Keehar has told us a little about what has happened so far today with Bigwig. All of us sit around and wait for Keehar in the morning to find out what has been happening.

This morning right before Bigwig left, Woundwort wanted to talk to him right away. So Bigwig went nervously to talk to Woundwort. Once Bigwig gets to Woundwort, he goes in and talks to him. Woundwort was questioning Bigwig about a lot of things. Bigwig just lies about everything he is questioned about. Which isn't too good in my opinion. Bigwig has been lying right to Woundwort and Chevril's face. The others and I are really worried
about the plan, and if its even going to happen at all now. I am worried that Bigwig might not be able to make it out. Bigwig decided to change the escape to the nest day just because Woundwort and Chevril seem to be questioning him a lot.

Later on in the day, one of the does named Nelthilta blurts out everything that Bigwig told her to Chevril. Now Bigwig may be in deep trouble. Chevril does not confront Bigwig about it, that's very strange. Keehar flew by and Bigwig wanted to leave, but he signaled Keehar saying to come back tonight. Hopefully Bigwig will come back tonight. I hope this whole plan works out. Well everyone is going to take a hop and I am going to join them, I will tell more about Bigwig  and the escape later!

Wednesday, October 9, 2013


Today, Keehar has told us a little more about what has been going on at Efrafa.

Last night, Bigwig mentioned Fiver's name in his sleep. That's not a good thing because no one knows who Fiver is and of course he will get questioned about it. This morning, some of the rabbits were questioning Bigwig a lot. They asked who Fiver was and why he said his name in his sleep. Bigwig told them that Fiver was a rabbit he knew once who could tell the weather. Some of the rabbits were confused and a little questionable but the other ones just sighed and hopped away.

Bigwig has been thinking all day and wondering when to leave and what to do. He decided it would be a good idea to leave tonight as quick as he can. He just wanted to warn the others that he may leave soon. His plan ends up being ruined on leaving tonight. I think he is planning to leave at sunrise tomorrow morning though. That's all Keehar has told us for now.

Its sunrise now really early this morning. Keehar came and told us more about Bigwig and when he is coming.
Bigwig took his mark out this morning. He is getting all the does and Blackavar ready to go with him. As soon as he is about to leave, Woundwort wants to talk to him. Keehar hasn't heard anything else  or seen anything else yet. Hopefully he will tell us some more later!

Making new friends

Its been a day since Bigwig has been at Efrafa. I am so worried something bad might happen. Keehar went to see Bigwig this morning and came back and told us what's been going on there and what Bigwig has been doing.

So far, Chevril, also a chief rabbit along with Bigwig has been explaining what Bigwig should be doing. He has been telling him about the procedures and other jobs that need to be done. Chevril sent Bigwig out to watch near the Mark Feed. While Bigwig is down there, he meets a rabbit named Blackavar. Blackavar is a member of the Efrafa who has been mutilated as a punishment for trying to escape the Efrafa. Bigwig gets frightened and imagines if that might happen to him when he tries to leave. Bigwig decided that it would be a good idea if he took Blackavar with him when he left with the does. He wants Blackavar to come with him because he could be useful on the journey. I think it would be a good idea if Blackavar came along with us also.

Below here is a picture of Blackavar.

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Bigwig's Sneaky Trick

Bigwig was the only one who went to Efrafa. He is going by himself and I am very worried. Keehar will fly around there and keep us updated on what Bigwig is doing and what is going on there. The rest of us are waiting at the boat, we are ready to go on as soon as he comes back.

From what Keehar told us, Bigwig has just arrived at Efrafa. He already talked to Woundwort, he had a very interesting talk with him. Keehar listened to the whole conversation. Woundwort was telling Bigwig that he wants him to join his Owsla. Bigwig agreed on joining. But, what Woundwort doesn't know, is that Bigwig will only be there for a couple days to get does.

So far the plan is working, Bigwig has received his mark. He also received his name "Thlayli" . The rabbits at Efrafa will call Bigwig "Thlayli" instead of Bigwig. Bigwig has been assigned trial duties. He is just about to start talking to all the does he wants to bring with him when he leaves.

The Plan

This morning was very strange. I woke up to bats screeching. I don't know what it was at first but then I saw the bats and got very frightened. I ran out of our warren, I don't think anyone was awake at the time. Maybe some of the others were awake and I just couldn't see them. Anyways, I am outside now and I think I am going to get something to eat.

Its later in the day now, everyone is awake. Everyone is sitting here with me and we are talking about where to go next. We decided to keep walking because earlier Keehar said he would lead us to a river with a bridge.  We are walking now and Keehar said we are almost there, I am kind of worried about what is going to happen once we get to the bridge..

We finally reached the bridge. Its a bridge over a small deep river. We need to cross the bridge Keehar told us, but we are all scared to go. We all want Fiver to go first so he can tell us if its okay to cross and be over there. Fiver agreed to go first because he says nothing is wrong. We are all thankful that Fiver wants to go first. A bit of relief has come over me. Fiver crossed the bridge and all of us followed after him. Now that we all crossed the bridge, we need to think of a plan to go to Efrafa. I thought of a good plan that will either work really good, or not work at all. I figured out how to go to Efrafa and get the does, and get out. I just don't know how to disappear without anyone seeing us leave.

I took Bigwig, Fiver, Blackberry, and Bluebell to come explore with me around the area. We also wanted to talk about the plan to go to Efrafa to make sure it will work well. As we were walking, we saw a boat tied up to a stump. We walked over to see closer and get a closer look at it. At that moment we realized that the boat is the answer to our last puzzle. Our last puzzle is, as I mentioned earlier, disappearing once we get the does. But if we have the boat, we decided we would chew the rope until only a little string is attached. Once we get the does we will bring them to the boat with everyone else and jump on the boat, pull the rope from the last thread and go down the river to get away. I have decided to have Bigwig go get the does because Woundwort wants Bigwig to join and become part of his Owsla. If Bigwig goes and pretends he wants to be in the Owsla, he can manage to get the does and leave as quickly as possible with them.

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Almost Got Caught

Today we continued on our way to Efrafa, just like every other day so far. Except today felt a little different. I don't know what felt different, but something was off. It seems almost like something bad is going to happen and I somehow don't know what. I don't think its anything major. Whatever, I will just keep going along.

Its been two hours since I wrote. Something very scary had happened. Something we could only dream would never happen. Its frightful, huge, and not to mention scary. It was a fox. Yes, it was a fox; a huge furry orange fox. I spotted it while we were walking. Right when I saw it lounging around in the woods, I told everyone to stop and come to me right away. I wanted to make sure everyone knew what to do. I told everyone to hop really slow and quietly out of his sight. Everyone did as I said, which was good. I lead everyone away from the fox so he wouldn't chase us. Then we started hopping regularly and the fox turned around and looked at us. He started walking towards us, I made sure everyone stayed still and low to the hot grassy ground. Suddenly out of nowhere, Bigwig jumped up and started hopping fast. He said he needed to get something. The fox looked over and just turned around and left. That was a close call, good thing he wasn't that close to us.

So later that night we carry on and keep going on our way. Kehaar came and said he had to tell us something. He tells us that there is a patrol nearby that will find us soon if we don't hide from them. I made the decision to hide on the iron road. We crossed onto the iron road- railroad tracks and stay there for a while just to make sure the coast is completely clear and there is no problems in our way. Kehaar comes back to us later and tells us that the coast is clear and we can keep moving on now. Kehaar is such a big help to us, I am so happy he decided to come along with us. I am getting tired along with the rest of the group. I think its time to go to sleep, I will write soon, stay tuned till the next one!

Below here is a picture o Kehaar and the fox

Suspensful Story

Dandelion is telling the story of El-arairah and the Black Rabbit. Bigwig is the only one who wants to hear it. The rest of us are quite frightened, but we sit through it. The story is kind of confusing, I don't understand most of it. But Bigwig seems to be enjoying it very much.  Pipkin is very scared, he asked me to go somewhere else with him. So I took him away and we watched the animals eat moths. I could still hear Dandelion faintly from a distance. He was hesitating to continue telling the story. Bigwig got very angry and convinced him to keep going and not leave anything out of it!

Tonight has been a weird night and I am just ready to go to sleep. I brought Pipkin back into the place where we are going to sleep. Now I am just ready to finally curl up and go to sleep. Being a leader is very hard. Make sure to check into my next blog when I post it!

Below is a picture of Pipkin and Bigwig

Our Journey to Efrafa

The other rabbits and I have finally set off to go to Efrafa. We want to go to Efrafa to get more does. Getting does is very tricky! Not all the rabbits have joined us, some of them have stayed back at our warren. Now that we started our journey, we have to think of the best way to get the does. I am the leader of this group, so I have a lot of decisions to make!

So, it's almost sun-down an we are about to stop and rest. Today we had a very long day for hopping to Efrafa. Efrafa is a long way away, so of course we need rest! Today I also decided to set everyone into groups of three. I thought it would make the travel ways the easiest. My group consists of Silver, Bigwig, and I. I decided to put us three in a group because we are the strongest and most like leaders of the group. Other than that, today was very warm. Considering it is June, going into July. It is starting to get warmer and warmer out each day. This may be a problem and slow us down, because when its hot we get tired and sweaty faster than when its cold outside.

We finally decided to stop and rest for a while. It is pretty dark out right now. I found the perfect place for our group to rest. We are sheltered in dim green sun-flecked caves of grass, flowering marjoram and cow parsley. Its quite comfortable actually, I enjoy it. I hope everyone else enjoys it as much as I do! As soon as we all sat down Dandelion wants to tell a story. We all give suggestions to what story he should tell. Bigwig wants "El-arairah and the Black Rabbit". I don't really agree. I think it would be a better idea not to hear a story like that.

We are going to figure out what story Dandelion is going to tell us. Stay tuned to figure out what he reads to us and how we react!

Below here is a picture of some of the rabbits on our way to Efrafa and a picture of Dandelion!

Hazel's Hopeful Adventure

Hi I am Hazel and this is a blog about all my adventures I go on! I hope you enjoy reading about my exciting, fun-filled, adventures! Before we get into all that, I guess I will tell you a little bit about my journey so far. 

It all started out at our old warren, Fiver, my brother gets theses feelings that something good or bad that will happen. Well in this case he sensed something bad. He told us all to leave the warren and of course no one believed him but me! But somehow we gathered up a few other rabbits and left at midnight. Our journey has been unpredictable from then, but somehow we seem to get through it. We have made it through a lot of obstacles throughout our journey. We have met new rabbits also, which is really exciting! But in our case, it wasn't quite like that. We met another rabbit with a huge warren, names Cowslip. He seemed suspicious about something.. but invited us to stay at his warren for a while. He was very welcoming and  nice. Fiver started getting started getting weird feelings about Cowslip and this mysterious warren. He refused to go inside and told us we all need to go instantly. We want to do what he says so we do; it was a great decision on leaving that warren. After we left, we realized that there were traps set up near the warren and most of them died. Now, we are setting our journey to Efrafa to get does. He have two does right now, we need more. The group consists of many males, and two does.

Well, enough about that. Stay tuned until my next entry about our journey to Efrafa. I hope you enjoyed!

Below is a picture of me, just so you all know what I look like.