Wednesday, October 9, 2013


Today, Keehar has told us a little more about what has been going on at Efrafa.

Last night, Bigwig mentioned Fiver's name in his sleep. That's not a good thing because no one knows who Fiver is and of course he will get questioned about it. This morning, some of the rabbits were questioning Bigwig a lot. They asked who Fiver was and why he said his name in his sleep. Bigwig told them that Fiver was a rabbit he knew once who could tell the weather. Some of the rabbits were confused and a little questionable but the other ones just sighed and hopped away.

Bigwig has been thinking all day and wondering when to leave and what to do. He decided it would be a good idea to leave tonight as quick as he can. He just wanted to warn the others that he may leave soon. His plan ends up being ruined on leaving tonight. I think he is planning to leave at sunrise tomorrow morning though. That's all Keehar has told us for now.

Its sunrise now really early this morning. Keehar came and told us more about Bigwig and when he is coming.
Bigwig took his mark out this morning. He is getting all the does and Blackavar ready to go with him. As soon as he is about to leave, Woundwort wants to talk to him. Keehar hasn't heard anything else  or seen anything else yet. Hopefully he will tell us some more later!

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